Dresden - Vienna - Seoul ︎

click on the title to see each of the works


Moon Jar Project
Solo exhibition
Galerie TIC, Brno

Ignis Perire (Destruction of Light)
Refractive Perspective 
Art & Science 
Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL), Vienna

Compost group: Compost Care
Klasse für Alle in cooperation with Klima Biennale Wien, Festivalareal Nordwestbahnhof, Vienna


Transcultural Academy, Assembly Scool 2023
Japanisches Palais, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Germany

Stichting Destination Unknown 2023
Artist Residency & Exhibition former Philips Factory, Roermond

Moon Jar Project
Diplom Exhibition, Oktogon, HfBK Dresden

Chasing Waterfalls 
-Two Head Problem 
Senatsaal, HfBK, Dresden


어 White Tiger 
Studio Class Philipsz, Pfotenhauerstraße, HfBK Dresden

Broken White Noise 
Weiße Gasse, Dresden

Whipped White Tale
Weiße Gasse, Dresden

Eclipse Radio 
Radio International
Manifesta 14, Prishtina

Adonia Adonia
HfBK Dresden

HfBK Dresden

Künstlerische Intervention mit Collectiv, Galerie Ladøns, Hamburg

음차연대 Tea Ceremony
Stressless Space, Academy of Fine Art, Vienna


Bak Byung Cheon
Radio International
Senatsaal, HfBK Dresden

Porzellan zerbricht doch
The Sixth Sense
HfBK Dresden

Temple of Void
The Sixth Sense
HfBK Dresden

White Archive Project
Die Angewandte Festival
Die Angewandte, Vienna

White Archive Project (digital)
We Send You This rgb(45, 116, 249)
digital exhibition

Adonia Adonia  


interactive Tea Bar 

Accordning to Richard Senett’s book, Adonia (Greek: Ἀδώνια) was a festival organized by women in ancient Greece to mourn the death of Adonis and to celebrate their freedom and female body. During Adonia, female bodies were allowed to sing, dance and free their sexual senses. They used incense to inspire and relax their sexuality. 

Inspired by this festival tradition, the artist collective(Yeonwoo Chang and Maria Heidler) celebrated and greeted the season of Adonia(End of July, when the Star Sirious shines the brightest).

Good havested tea and spirits were the offerings to the festival. The celebration happened inside the green garden of Pfotenhauer Atelier in Dresden, with a low wood panel as a table and some found mirror plates as the guest tray. Porcelain bells were hang around the spot and freshly picked flowers were the decoration. 

As people found the spot, they were invided to write down their pondering on the unrevealable paper and burn it in the ceramic womb with slit. After this ritual, they were allowed to choose their drinks from the chart, the mixture of tea and spirits. While making the cocktail, another person lead them to the story related to the drinks, the collected heroic stories of females and non-human beings.