Whipped White Tale
Site-specific sound installation with porcelain sculpture
Inspired by the street name Weiße Gasse of the venue, this work searches the meaning of ‘white’ through the sound and space in the city of Dresden. White is the color most often associated with perfection, the good, honesty, cleanliness, the beginning, the new, neutrality, and exactitude. White has been one of the most prominent achievements of Saxony, ever since the invention of the Meissen Porcelain. And porcelain has often been an object to reflect the identity of ‘white’ in Western. Through the two works about the ‘white’, the exhibition will explore the different points of view concerning the concept of white and the city.
Whipped White Tale is an audiobook about white including Moby Dick, Japonica, Porcelain- Meissen and Allach, White Tiger, and The White Rose. These stories have a loose connection to the dark side of their history and are gathered together to spotlight the shadow.
The sound installation was placed outside the venue so that the installation played towards the street where people passed by. Through the show window, the porcelain tea set was displayed with the light near the sound installation and made an ensemble together.
“We can imagine the ages when Chinese porcelain was so beloved that the giant container ships were fully stored with beautiful fragile whites and sailed from China all the way to many port cities in Europe.”
“The most extreme example would be probably the Porzellan Manufaktur Allach.
Allach porcelain manufactory was a ceramics workshop established in Bavaria in 1925. Later in 1939, it was confiscated by SS operatives and transformed into a manufacturing facility that makes ‘Arian’ identity-style and taste-enhancing products.
It was produced in close connection with the exploitation of forced labor in concentration camps, and mainly produced figurines of certain animals and humans, plates, candle holders, and vases.
...This factory is said to have been Himmler's beloved project. The SS Marked Allach porcelain produced during this period is sold at a very high price in the second-hand market for collectors these days. ”