Dresden - Vienna - Seoul ︎

click on the title to see each of the works


Moon Jar Project
Solo exhibition
Galerie TIC, Brno

Ignis Perire (Destruction of Light)
Refractive Perspective 
Art & Science 
Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL), Vienna

Compost group: Compost Care
Klasse für Alle in cooperation with Klima Biennale Wien, Festivalareal Nordwestbahnhof, Vienna


Transcultural Academy, Assembly Scool 2023
Japanisches Palais, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Germany

Stichting Destination Unknown 2023
Artist Residency & Exhibition former Philips Factory, Roermond

Moon Jar Project
Diplom Exhibition, Oktogon, HfBK Dresden

Chasing Waterfalls 
-Two Head Problem 
Senatsaal, HfBK, Dresden


어 White Tiger 
Studio Class Philipsz, Pfotenhauerstraße, HfBK Dresden

Broken White Noise 
Weiße Gasse, Dresden

Whipped White Tale
Weiße Gasse, Dresden

Eclipse Radio 
Radio International
Manifesta 14, Prishtina

Adonia Adonia
HfBK Dresden

HfBK Dresden

Künstlerische Intervention mit Collectiv, Galerie Ladøns, Hamburg

음차연대 Tea Ceremony
Stressless Space, Academy of Fine Art, Vienna


Bak Byung Cheon
Radio International
Senatsaal, HfBK Dresden

Porzellan zerbricht doch
The Sixth Sense
HfBK Dresden

Temple of Void
The Sixth Sense
HfBK Dresden

White Archive Project
Die Angewandte Festival
Die Angewandte, Vienna

White Archive Project (digital)
We Send You This rgb(45, 116, 249)
digital exhibition

Bak Byung Cheon


sound installation with radio transmitter and speakers
 “Radio International is a series of radio transmitted sound works that explore the medium of radio and respond to the particular acoustics of the Senatsaal.

 Guglielmo Marconi, the pioneer of radio, suggested that sounds once generated never die, they fade but they continue to reverberate as sound waves across the universe. I found this to be an extremely evocative idea and has been the inspiration for the class project Radio International.”

-Susan Philipsz 

 ‘Bak Byung Cheon’ is the name of a holder of National Intangible Cultural Heritage and a shaman performer who lived in South Korea. He was known as a Master of Jindo Purification Rite (shamanistic ritual for the dead). He was also a professor of KARTs(Korea National University of Arts), a pioneer of contemporary folk art, and a performance artist who won many national and international prizes for his performance.  

 This sound piece is a shortened version of the live recordings of Salpuli(/’sɑːpuːl.i/)* Album. The recording contains 6 different Salpuli types in a combination of different instruments and partner/chore singers. Salpuli is a term for Korean folklore music rhythm that implicates the art of music and performance that derived from a shamanistic ritual to prevent or relieve evil and misfortune. 

 During the Corona pandemic, artist explored the territory between physical and beyond-physical languages in the art further. A live-recorded sound of voices and instruments transmits the shamanistic energy of the music piece, fills its invisible body into the exhibition space, and spread out as a wave into the universe.